Alerta do Google - Texas Weather

Texas Weather
Atualização assim que ocorre 28 de janeiro de 2025
On Thursday, North Texas along with East Texas, Texoma, Northeast Texas, Southeast Texas and Central Texas could all be in a severe weather risk area.
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The University of Houston Tennis team's match against North Texas and Tarleton State has been postponed due to anticipated inclement weather in ...
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Happy Tuesday Weather update for today/tonight and tomorrow 🆒️ ‍🌫️ Laredo TX ... - Instagram
... Tuesday Weather update for today/tonight and tomorrow 🆒️ ‍🌫️ Laredo TX #instagood #texas #weather #laredo #weatherwithyoli #clima #eltiempo".
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Traveling to El Paso, Texas - Forced Reroute due to weather - Major impact to plans
"The best laid plans of mice and men often go awry" by Robert Burns After clearing a 1/4" of ice off our car in Carlsbad, New Mexico we were off ...
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