Alerta do Google - Texas State

Texas State
Atualização assim que ocorre 29 de janeiro de 2025
"We know that a one-size-fits-all education does not work for many of our students in Texas," he said. Photo: Senator Brandon Creighton. Conroe ...
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AUSTIN, Texas — The Texas Senate Committee on ... Teachers in rural areas of the state would receive an additional $6,000 to close a rural vs.
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In this week's episode, we talk about state House politics, proposals for the budget and the condition of water infrastructure in the state.
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Wednesday marks the 15th day Texas state senators and representatives are in Austin for the 89th legislative session.
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On Monday, state Rep. Cole Hefner, R-Mount Pleasant, and state Rep. Gary VanDeaver filed House Bills 2109 and 2114, which they co-authored, ...
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... Wichita State. at Wichita State. Jan 29. 6:30 PM. Toggle Media Overlay. University of North Texas Athletics. Women's Basketball. Temple. vs Temple.
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Livingston ISD on Tuesday night named Whitehouse offensive coordinator Tucker Carter as the next athletic director/head football coach at ...
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