Alerta do Google - Texas Weather

Texas Weather
Atualização assim que ocorre 17 de janeiro de 2018
Meanwhile, at Austin's main weather station at Camp Mabry, temperatures at 7 a.m. dropped to 18 degrees, which is the coldest Austin has been since ... But Central Texas will see sunny skies on Wednesday, forecasters say, as temperatures eventually will climb out of the freezing range around 1 p.m. ...
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The overnight low temperature at DFW Airport reached 13 degrees early Wednesday, the coldest on record here since Feb. 2, 2011. It could be worse: In Waco, Jan. 17 is the coldest on record at eight degrees, according to the National Weather Service, and out west in Eastland, it dropped to -2.
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Schools continue to close, offices delay from wintry weather. KVUE 4:11 AM. CST January 17, 2018 ... CENTRAL TEXAS - Austin, winter is here. As we wait for the storm to pass, ... Texas State University (including Round Rock Campus) - Will operate on a delayed schedule. Classes will begin at 11 a.m..
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Winter weather turned travel treacherous across the South, shutting down interstates in Louisiana, causing highway crashes in Kentucky and closing airport ... By Tuesday evening, the wide band of wintry weather stretching from Texas to Massachusetts was steadily dropping snow on metro Atlanta.
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Internet pokes fun at Texas weather map
Internet pokes fun at Texas weather map. Error loading player: No playable sources found. Now Playing: About 8,000 comments accompanied a post made by the Gulf Coast Storm Center on Monday, Jan. 15, 2018. / San Antonio Express-News. Logo Return to Top ...
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