Alerta do Google - Texas State

Texas State
Atualização assim que ocorre 17 de janeiro de 2018
The opening of this location is a milestone in the Texas State Optical network since it is the first of a new model of TSO, Inc. securing the location, designing the office and providing a turn-key program of inventory, exam equipment and standard operating procedures. The new office design is open, ...
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Jan. 16--AUSTIN, TX-- A Houston Republican is starting to pay a hefty price as she runs for re-election for running afoul with police and firefighter unions in Texas. In the last to Legislature sessions, State Sen. Joan Huffman has sponsored legislation to make it harder for many public worker unions to ...
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A map of Texas showing the state s transmission lines is a focal point in the control room of the Electric Reliability Council of Texas, which operates most of the state's power grid. The last time the state had to institute rolling blackouts to protect the electric system from overload was in February 2011 ...
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By Tuesday evening, the wide band of wintry weather stretching from Texas to Massachusetts was steadily dropping snow on metro Atlanta. ... "We've got numerous crashes on the interstates and surface roads," Louisiana State Trooper Glenn Younger said Tuesday morning from Bossier City, Louisiana, ...
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Hundreds of flights were canceled at Texas airports — including Houston, San Antonio and Austin — where frigid temperatures left runways ... "We've got numerous crashes on the interstates and surface roads," Louisiana State Trooper Glenn Younger said Tuesday morning from Bossier City, La., just ...
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