Alerta do Google - Texas Police

Texas Police
Atualização assim que ocorre 27 de novembro de 2017
BREAKING: Shopping mall evacuated after police involved in shooting. POLICE have involved a mall in Arlington, Texas, after an officer was involved in a shooting, according to local reports. By Taryn Tarrant-Cornish. PUBLISHED: 23:28, Sun, Nov 26, 2017 | UPDATED: 23:35, Sun, Nov 26, 2017 ...
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A shooting at a packed shopping centre in Texas has sparked panic and a major police response. People enjoying a day out at Parks Mall in Arlington began reporting hearing gunshots around 4.30pm on Sunday local time. The area was particularly busy as Americans have been enjoying the ...
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When Killeen Police Officers were dispatched to the shooting, they found a man and woman dead in the store. Investigators said the woman was a clerk at the Valero, and the man was her ex-boyfriend. Killeen Police Commander Erich Morsbach said it appeared the ex-boyfriend walked into the store, ...
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A Texas man who is accused of a Thanksgiving killing of a Texas Police officer had a history of mental health problems after three combat tours in Iraq according to his family. The police officer, Damon Allen, 41, pulled over Dabrett Black, 32, in a routine traffic stop near Fairfield, Texas. During the stop ...
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At this time officers from the Vidor Police Department and Texas Department of Public Safety deployed Tazers. The suspect ripped the first set of prongs out and was attempting to fight officers. Suspect was finally subdued and placed into cuffs. While sitting on the ground awaiting EMS to check suspect, ...
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BREAKING: Police announce officer-involved shooting at Texas mall
The mall has been evacuated by security, and but police stated there are no other suspects outstanding. They said the shooting is "related to an ...
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