Alerta do Google - Texas Police

Texas Police
Atualização assim que ocorre 26 de novembro de 2017
Police were called to 8810 Dakota Creek just before 7:30 p.m. Saturday for a shooting when they found a 52-year-old man dead from a gunshot wound to his upper torso. Neighbors told police the victim was upset about a party, when he went back inside his home. Police said neighbors heard gunshots ...
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Wylie resident Cameron Owen Randle, 34, was riding his bicycle at about 2:37 a.m. Thursday when Manatsa struck him in the 700 block of North Murphy Road, police said. Randle died at the scene. Randle was an extended-hours supervisor at the Eugene McDermott Library at the University of Texas at ...
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UT Police report indecent exposure near campus
AUSTIN, Texas -- UT Police are investigating an indecent exposure incident that happened yesterday near campus. They say a suspect flashed a ...
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