Alerta do Google - Texas Weather

Texas Weather
Atualização assim que ocorre 2 de fevereiro de 2025
Sunday is bringing milder temperatures in the mid to upper 70s to North Texas, with a sunny outlook for the week.
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DFW Weather: Cool, comfortable tempetures move into North Texas. 1 view · 2 minutes ago ...more. WFAA. 1.97M. Subscribe.
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Dereume holds Punxsutawney Phil, the weather prognosticating groundhog, in Punxsutawney, Pa. in 2024. Phil predicted an early spring, and the forecast ...
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Austin weather: Feb. 1 overnight forecast. Lots of sunshine and warm ... Texas school choice: TWITP. DC plane crash: Recovery efforts underway.
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Warm temperatures continue to surge into North Texas today with sunshine and highs climbing into the 70s this afternoon.
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Very warm temperatures will likely continue into Friday. However, long-range weather models do show a possible cold front moving through Texas ...
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