Alerta do Google - Texas State

Texas State
Atualização assim que ocorre 18 de fevereiro de 2025
U.S. Capitol Internship Program - Texas State University
The Chancellor's U.S. Capitol Internship Program was established to provide TXST students the unique opportunity to serve as legislative interns at ...
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Here is your weekly recap of the top stories for the week of Feb. 9th to the 16th, tune back in ...
Texas State students shared their experiences on dating apps revealing a mix of frustration and concern over unsafe behavior and harassment. X discuss ...
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SB: Feb. 17 Players of the Week - Conference USA
Southern Miss. 4 ; Northern Colorado. 2 ; Texas A&M - Corpus Christi. 2 ; Northern Kentucky University. 3 ; Jacksonville State. 12.
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Melissa High School Choir Students Headed to State Solo & Ensemble Contest | MISD Fine Arts
... State Competition, where they will be judged against top performers from across Texas. Congratulations to all 10 Cardinals advancing to state! A ...
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Adele Briscoe Looscan: Daughter of the Republic - Strand Books
Adele Briscoe Looscan was the first woman president of the Texas State Historical Association, the longest-serving president of the association (1915- ...
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