Alerta do Google - Texas Police

Texas Police
Atualização assim que ocorre 17 de julho de 2024
After pursuing a man in a stolen pickup truck for 20 minutes, Fort Worth police shot and wounded the suspect after he carjacked another vehicle ...
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Which Texas Cops Wear Cowboy Hats? · Officers who choose to wear a cowboy hat must buy it themselves. · The hat must have a 4 ½-inch brim with a ...
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Community members and police had to use traps and drones to rescue a stray dog with a bowl stuck on its head running around Manvel, TX.
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A car thief in Texas led police on a 20 minute chase before exiting his vehicle and being shot 7 times by the pursuing officers. (Graphic Video)
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ELGIN, Texas — One person is dead and another is in jail after a ... Police said Fabian Salas, 34, was subsequently arrested and charged ...
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A Dallas Police officer suspected of posting "aim better" on social media over the weekend has been placed on administrative leave following an ...
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AMARILLO, Texas (KVII) — Amarillo police are investigating a deadly crash on I-40. It happened before 4 a.m. on eastbound I-40 between Grand and ...
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Interesting meeting with TCOLE about license suspension - YouTube
Police officers in Texas are licensed by TCOLE. Whenever a police officer is convicted or place on community supervision for criminal offense ...
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