Alerta do Google - Texas Police

Texas Police
Atualização assim que ocorre 1 de maio de 2024
2 earthquakes detected in North Texas, police getting calls from public. 44 views · 7 minutes ago ...more. WFAA. 1.68M. Subscribe.
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Two women sitting on the front porch of a Texas home were killed in an ambush shooting early May 1, police said. Houston police said three friends ...
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Officers used OnStar installed in the vehicle to track the man to the sandwich shop, police said.
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A grocery store worker in Fort Worth, Texas ... Police said the man who attempted to rob the store was taken into custody. ... The latest news from around ...
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The Students for Justice in Palestine is demanding that UT Dallas and the University of Texas/Texas A&M Investment Management Company to divest in ...
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Good Morning Texas · Features · Noticias. Latest News Stories. 2 earthquakes detected in North Texas, police getting calls from public · Pony up! | ...
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Comments13 · Activists occupy Columbia University building | DW News · New York police raid Columbia campus and arrest protesters | BBC News · UT Austin ...
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He said Medicine Lodge police officers are still working leads on possible suspects and working with officials in Wichita Falls on several aspects of ...
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