Alerta do Google - Texas Weather

Texas Weather
Atualização assim que ocorre 15 de maio de 2022
ERCOT accounts for about 90% of the state's electric load, according to a statement from the organization. The unseasonably hot weather is driving ...
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CENTERVILLE, Texas (KBTX/Gray News) - The search continues for convicted killer Gonzalo Lopez. Officials say the 46-year-old has been on the run ...
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He moved to Texas, in part, to help take care of a 1925 steam locomotive at the museum. Another train, also from the 1920s, lets visitors learn a ...
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We have a good forecast Sunday night with mostly clear skies, and this is important because we'll see a total lunar eclipse. It's also being called a ...
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Texas lawmakers last year passed a law limiting how race and current events are discussed in public schools. They referred to it as the "critical race ...
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DALLAS (AP) — Former Seattle Seahawks safety Earl Thomas has been arrested in Texas more than two weeks after a warrant was issued over an alleged ...
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DUNCANVILLE, Texas - A second person was arrested this week for the murder of a Duncanville woman whose body was found dumped on the side of a ...
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Man shot while waiting at stop light in Dallas. By FOX 4 Staff. Published May 14, 2022 1:59PM. Texas · FOX 4.
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