Alerta do Google - Texas Weather

Texas Weather
Atualização assim que ocorre 12 de novembro de 2021
As we honor our servicemen and women, the latest reports show homelessness and poverty in veterans is on the rise in Texas and across the nation.
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But Paul Nelson has spent a majority of 2021 fighting his toll charges with the North Texas Tollway Authority. Nelson's family has a history of ...
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Special Weather Statement until THU 10:45 PM CST ... Billy Chemirmir was indicted in two separate Texas counties in connection with the deaths of ...
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SHREVEPORT, La. - Wednesday night's storms produced four tornadoes in the ArkLaTex according to the Shreveport National Weather Service.
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Texas Education Code (TEC), §25.081(b), provides that the commissioner may approve the operation of schools for fewer than 75,600 minutes if a ...
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