Alerta do Google - Texas Weather

Texas Weather
Atualização assim que ocorre 12 de novembro de 2021
It'll be relatively uneventful overnight in south Texas weather-wise, but expect to wake up to temperatures in the high-40s.
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CORPUS CHRISTI, Texas (CBSDFW.COM/AP) – The attorney for a Black teenager from South Texas says several other teens attacked his client with a ...
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A federal judge in Texas says Governor Greg Abbott's executive order banning mask mandates in schools violates the Americans with Disabilities ...
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North Texas Weather - CBS Dallas / Fort Worth -
North Texas Weather – CBS Dallas / Fort Worth · Warning of a severe thunderstorm Watch until 1:00 p.m. · Honey, it's cold outside … But not for · Cold ...
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New Loco, Texas Weather Forecast - Air Sports Net
Weather forecast for New Loco, Texas with current conditions, radar and Texas weather maps.
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