Alerta do Google - Texas State

Texas State
Atualização assim que ocorre 29 de outubro de 2021
Texas State (2-5) has never defeated Louisiana-Lafayette (6-1), but the bobcats are looking to make history with a huge upset on Saturday.
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Louisiana and Texas State will face off in a Sun Belt battle at noon ET at Cajun Field. The Ragin' Cajuns are out to keep their three-game home win ...
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Texas state officials have repeatedly stressed that the federal government has no authority over the case due to the mechanism of the ban, ...
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Greg Abbott met with the Texas Blockchain Council. He tweeted afterward that the state soon "will be #1 for blockchain & cryptocurrency." A "VERY ...
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AUSTIN, TX - OCTOBER 02: Demonstrators rally against anti-abortion and voter suppression laws at the Texas State Capitol on October 2, ...
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By accepting $7.2 billion in bailout funding, have elected state Republicans invited further federal takeover of the state Unemployment Insurance ...
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On Monday, State Rep. Matt Krause (R-Fort Worth) penned a letter to some school districts and the Texas Education Agency on a fishing expedition ...
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