Alerta do Google - Texas Weather

Texas Weather
Atualização assim que ocorre 7 de maio de 2021
Alan Holt KIII South Texas Weather Forecast 05-07-2021. This video file cannot be played.(Error Code: 102630). A stray morning shower possible, ...
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OKLAHOMA CITY (KFOR) — With warm and breezy conditions in place, storms will form in the Texas panhandle and head for NW parts of the state ...
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Almost 100 years ago today, an exceptionally unusual weather event ... the University of Texas, and eventually moved down to the Colorado River.
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And I'm like, 'It's an accordion.'" Download our NBC DFW mobile app for Apple or Android to get alerts for local breaking news and weather. Doggett is ...
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Download our NBC DFW mobile app for Apple or Android to get alerts for local breaking news and weather. The department said it will also place orders ...
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"I'm always ready to fight." Download our NBC DFW mobile app for Apple or Android to get alerts for local breaking news and weather. Alvarez (55 ...
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CORPUS CHRISTI, Texas — We've enjoyed a few days of some gorgeous sunshine here in South Texas with some noticeably drier air. Even though ...
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