Alerta do Google - Texas Weather

Texas Weather
Atualização assim que ocorre 25 de maio de 2021
There will be a full lunar eclipse Wednesday morning and it will be visible from North Texas, weather permitting. The moon will be a full supermoon ...
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(Watches and warnings are issued by the National Weather Service.) By Wednesday, a frontal system draped from the Northeast into the Central Plains ...
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EAST TEXAS, Texas (KLTV/KTRE) - Happy Tuesday, East Texas! Here is the weather where you live... Showers and thundershowers possible this ...
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FLOWER MOUND, Texas — A Lewisville ISD middle school is trying to smooth things over, and a teacher has been placed on administrative leave ...
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Southeast Texas's Leading Local News: Weather, Traffic, Sports and more | Southeast Texas, Texas | · Variable clouds, scattered ...
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There will be a full lunar eclipse Wednesday morning and it will be visible from North Texas, weather permitting. The moon will be a full supermoon …
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