Alerta do Google - Texas State

Texas State
Atualização assim que ocorre 25 de maio de 2021
Several billions of dollars in state-approved financing will be necessary to stabilize the state's distressed energy market after the winter storm. Texas ...
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AUSTIN - Governor Greg Abbott today congratulated the Texas Film Commission (TFC) on its 50th anniversary of service to the state. Created in 1971 ...
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The Office of Distance and Extended Learning earns excellence award : Newsroom : Texas State ...
"ODEL worked on weekends and nights in addition to their daily tasks to ensure that high-caliber training was delivered to our Texas State community ...
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Race Recap: Texas State Time Trial Championships - Utmost Performance
The 2021 Texas State Time Trial Championships took place in Hempstead, TX (west of Houston). This year the ITT (Individual Time Trail) and TTT ...
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