Alerta do Google - Texas Weather

Texas Weather
Atualização assim que ocorre 29 de abril de 2021
HAILSTONES the size of softballs threaten the interior Northeast as a massive weather system churns through Texas and Oklahoma. Here is the latest ...
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WEATHER ALERTS: Get the KHOU 11 mobile app and sign up for weather ... WEATHER RADAR: Track storms, rain across Southeast Texas.
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The National Weather Service has not confirmed if a tornado touched down, yet, as officials still need to survey the damage to make that determination ...
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North Texas slammed with hail, but what's inside? · The Weather Network · More videos · More videos on YouTube · Social.
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A stalled front from Texas to New England is generating pulses of heavy rain for over 1,700 miles from Dallas to Boston. Over the southeastern United ...
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HOUSTON (CW39) Very intense storms have been impacting Texas lately, including massive hail in the San Antonio and Fort Worth areas ...
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The National Weather Service (NWS) issued a tornado warning for parts of Texas's Tarrant County near Lake Worth on April 28 as hail, strong winds, ...
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The severe weather threat has diminished in North Texas, but we will see additional chances for rain throughout the afternoon and evening. Daytime ...
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New Cornyn, Johnson, Brady, Burgess Bill Will Help Strengthen Electric Grid Infrastructure Against ...
... and suppliers with federal funding to protect their facilities and infrastructure against future extreme weather events, like the February freeze in Texas.
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