Alerta do Google - Texas State

Texas State
Atualização assim que ocorre 14 de abril de 2021
"The State of Texas is working in tandem with the federal government and vaccine providers to temporarily pause all administration of the Johnson & ...
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The Senate action, which must still be approved by the House, would require the governor to call a special session in order to declare a state ...
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"Texas is receiving about $17.9 billion in total, about 90-percent of which is expected to go to local schools," Perryman said. "Many states have already ...
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During previous legislative sessions, Texas Republicans, like those in other states, unsuccessfully pursued so-called "bathroom bills" that would prevent ...
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The Texas Department of State Health Services said it has issued similar guidance to all providers across the state. "Right now, these adverse events ...
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Wong Paces Bobcats at Lone Star Invitational - Texas State Athletics
Senior Texas State golfer Geraldine Wong paces the team at 4-under par 140 after the first two rounds of the Lone Star Invitational. Overall, the ...
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