Alerta do Google - Texas Weather

Texas Weather
Atualização assim que ocorre 7 de julho de 2020
DEEP EAST TEXAS (KTRE) - A trough of low pressure spinning in northeast ... It gives you access to our First Alert forecast, severe weather alerts, ...
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As typical dry and hot weather continues to plague South Central Texas, our attention turns to the aquifer level. Right now, the 10 day average is sitting ...
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AMARILLO, Texas (KFDA) - We are starting off the work week with temps staying close to ... Do you have weather photos you want to share with us?
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By mid-week, the western edge of the heatwave will fall over the lower plain states and the Mississippi Valley south to Texas, Arkansas, Missouri, and ...
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US National Weather Service El Paso Texas
On Tuesday our high temps will be a little lower than Monday's highs. We will see a chance for thunderstorms, mainly east of the Rio Grande.
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