Alerta do Google - Texas State

Texas State
Atualização assim que ocorre 29 de junho de 2020
The state board will hold its first public hearing on the matter Monday with a final vote on the changes in November. What reopened schools will look like ...
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California on Sunday ordered some bars to close, the first major rollback of efforts to reopen the economy in the most populous U.S. state as cases ...
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It also appears to be a principal coronavirus measure for the state of Texas, where the number of available hospital beds is more influential with top ...
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Congratulations to North Dakota State; condolences to UTEP, Texas State, UTSA, South Alabama, Louisiana-Monroe, Bowling Green, New Mexico ...
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WASHINGTON - Environmental officials in Texas and other western states are moving ahead on plans to allow oil and gas companies to treat drilling ...
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EL PASO, Texas (CBS4) — On Friday, Governor Greg Abbott issued an executive order limiting certain businesses and services as part of the state's ...
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Florida, Texas and other states have paused their pandemic reopenings, ordering mandatory use of masks in public places and closing down ...
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