Alerta do Google - Texas Weather

Texas Weather
Atualização assim que ocorre 20 de março de 2020
Carl Cox, a storm chaser from Oklahoma, said he followed the storms into Texas to check them out, along with fellow weather enthusiast Dewayne ...
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Live video from Texas Sky Ranger is available in the player above. From time to time the video may drop out to black -- this is normal and the feed will ...
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DEEP EAST TEXAS (KTRE) - Rain chances will ramp up on Friday as a ... We will get a brief break from the wet weather during the day on Saturday ...
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As of 8:30 a.m., the National Weather Service has released this timeline of events. 1:15 a.m. - Tornado reported by law enforcement six miles south of ...
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Severe weather threat ramps up tonight ... in Texas posted a photo of brightly colored cans and bottles stacked up at a new makeshift drive-thru.
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Working together, we're going to help Texas be the best state in the United States." 7:54 p.m. CT. Q: Does warmer weather help stop communicability ...
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Texas Tech SBDC assisting small businesses with loans. News / 3 ... Tuesday, March 17, 2020: Severe weather threat Tuesday and Wednesday.
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