Alerta do Google - Texas Weather

Texas Weather
Atualização assim que ocorre 19 de março de 2020
While the Texas case count is nearly at 200, up about 110 from yesterday. That is a multiple factor of 1.8, he said. Linder said the rise may be a function ...
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Severe weather hit the southern Plains overnight with five reported tornadoes west of Dallas and numerous reports of damaging winds mostly in Texas ...
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TYE, Texas — At least one tornado hit the Abilene area overnight. The National Weather Service and the Taylor County Sheriff's Office confirmed a ...
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GALLERY: Aerial footage of tornado damage in South Bend, Texas. Weather. by: Erica Garner. Posted: Mar 19, 2020 / 11:16 AM CDT / Updated: ...
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ARLINGTON, Texas — Following the death of an Arlington man related to COVID-19, the City made changes to an ordinance Wednesday that closes ...
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Uncooperative weather cut attendance at the inaugural Aviat Lonestar STOL Competition and Fly-In in Gainesville, Texas, March 12 to 15, but it didn't ...
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