Alerta do Google - Texas State

Texas State
Atualização assim que ocorre 20 de março de 2020
Texas State University President Denise Trauth told students that their spring commencements would be delayed to Aug. 6 and 8. Our Lady of the ...
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In response to the COVID-19, the Texas Department of State Health Services has activated the State Medical Operations Center, which serves as a ...
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[7:20 a.m.] San Antonio, the first city in Texas to offer drive-through testing for the new coronavirus, has confirmed 25 cases in the area as of ...
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Anderson County Judge Robert Johnston declared a state of disaster, effective midnight Friday, in the wake of the COVID-19 pandemic.
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HOUSTON – The state agency that regulates Texas' behemoth energy industry is weighing a reduction in oil production – at the behest of some ...
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Gomez, who has a state-regulated health plan from Blue Cross Blue Shield of Texas, appears to be eligible to have teletherapy services covered.
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