Alerta do Google - Texas State

Texas State
Atualização assim que ocorre 19 de março de 2020
Be prepared to rough it if you are headed for a state park. The Texas Parks and Wildlife Department announced that it will limiting operations at its ...
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Some state employees are still required to work from their office, which has prompted frustration and concerns among workers. Published: 7:49 AM ...
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The state is asking districts to complete applications through the Texas Department of Agriculture, which administers the federally funded meal ...
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Texas Education Commissioner Mike Morath also said on Monday that given the need for social distancing, schools across the state are closing normal ...
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2020 Texas State San Marcos Bobcats Football Season Tickets
Sep 4, 2020 12:55 PM - Bobcat Stadium - TX, San Marcos, TX. NOTE: Prices set by sellers, may be over face-value. Seats are together, unless noted.
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