Alerta do Google - Texas State

Texas State
Atualização assim que ocorre 29 de março de 2020
Facing a cycle where they don't really need a running back commit, the 2021 Texas football recruiting class did take a hit by losing TreVeyon ...
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According to the Texas Department of State Health Services, 111 of 254 counties are reporting coronavirus cases, as of Saturday night. Although there ...
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AUSTIN, Texas — On Tuesday, Tom Banning got a call that a U-Haul truck full of ... Others came from across the state to pick up what they could.
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Workforce Solutions East Texas is one of 28 located throughout the state. The East Texas division serves Henderson, Van Zandt, Rains, Wood, Upshur, ...
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"As our state responds to COVID-19, it is important that Texans continue to have access to the services they depend on to meet their daily needs," said ...
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