Alerta do Google - Texas State

Texas State
Atualização assim que ocorre 19 de março de 2020
Highlights of Panthers' 68-56 win in the 6A Texas state playoffs. The University Interscholastic League (UIL) of Texas extended its suspension of spring ...
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As of 12 p.m. on March 19, Texas State Parks will be closing public-serving facilities and programs for the foreseeable future. "Our main priority has ...
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Texas' current training requirements rule that annual training must be completed by June 14, 2020, by employees of state and local agencies.
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AUSTIN (KFDX/KJTL) — As Texas state officials continue to work through COVID-19, coronavirus, the Texas Education Agency officials have released ...
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County Judge signs disaster declaration
That a state of disaster is declared for Walker County, Texas, pursuant to section 418.108(a} of the Texas Government Code. 2. That the County's ...
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