Alerta do Google - Texas Police

Texas Police
Atualização assim que ocorre 20 de março de 2020
Texas Christian University is moving to online-only classes through the rest of the spring semester. The Fort Worth college had extended its spring ...
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Texas Tech SBDC assisting small businesses with loans. News / 3 hours ago. Thumbnail for the video titled "Texas Tech SBDC assisting small ...
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According to police the victim was pronounced dead on scene. A suspect is in custody but has not been identified by police at this time. Police have ...
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CORPUS CHRISTI, Texas — The limit on public gatherings reduced to 50 by City and County officials yesterday. But are Corpus Christi businesses ...
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The Fargo Police Department made light of the nationwide shortage of ... a Dallas stage with Texas politician O'Rourke, who has aggressively pushed ...
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