Alerta do Google - Texas Weather

Texas Weather
Atualização assim que ocorre 13 de novembro de 2019
LEANDER, TX — Schools that are a part of Leander ISD will have a delayed start on Tuesday, Nov. 12 due to inclement weather. The decision to have ...
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In Texas, several schools have announced delays and the Texas ... road and weather conditions throughout the night, CNN affiliate KRIS reported.
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The Bastrop and Smithville school districts have delayed the start of Tuesday classes due to cold weather conditions, the districts announced ...
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US National Weather Service Austin-San Antonio Texas
11/12 - 4:41 AM | Periods of light freezing rain, sleet, and rain will continue through 6 AM for the Edwards Plateau, Hill Country, and Central Texas.
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US National Weather Service Amarillo Texas
Observed low temperatures this Tuesday morning dipped into the single digits across most of the Panhandles with climate record low temperatures ...
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