Alerta do Google - Texas Police

Texas Police
Atualização assim que ocorre 18 de outubro de 2019
Texas police have released security video of a getaway car and issued a USD$25,000 reward as they make a public plea for help to find the killers of ...
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Aaron York Dean, the former police officer who fatally shot a black Texas woman in her own home last weekend, wasn't responding to a wellness ...
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Powell noted Texas is only growing increasingly diverse, and wondered how lawmakers can ensure that diversity makes its way into police ...
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Fort Worth police are looking for a woman seen in a video posted to Facebook where she identified herself as a police officer and ordered teenagers ...
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BEAUMONT, Texas — Beaumont Police Detectives are asking the community to help identify an auto burglary suspect.
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Kraus suggested earlier Monday that, although he has talked with the Texas Rangers, the investigation will remain with Fort Worth police. We think ...
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CORPUS CHRISTI, Texas — Man arrested after leading police on foot ... Just before 5 a.m., police saw a suspicious man with a duffle bag man at a ...
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SACRAMENTO (CBS13) — Police arrested a suspect in the murder of a ... According to his family, Dixon was a Texas college student and football ...
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... of color are afraid because of the deaths of Atatiana Jefferson and Botham Jean, who were shot by police officers in their North Texas homes.
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AUSTIN, Texas — The Austin Police Department and the FBI are investigating after a series of Austin-area robberies all seemed to have one thing in ...
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