Alerta do Google - Texas Police

Texas Police
Atualização assim que ocorre 19 de outubro de 2019
ARLINGTON, Texas - Police say 17-year-old Anthony Strather was trying to break up a fight when he was shot and killed Thursday night near his ...
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Aaron Y. Dean, who has since resigned from the police force and been ... Texas, where a white Fort Worth police officer Aaron Dean shot and killed ...
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A life taken at the hands of police. ... playing video games with her 8-year-old nephew when she was killed by a white Fort Worth, Texas, police officer.
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Sex crimes accusations from 20 years ago have come back to haunt a Tennessee-based Christian music manager and former Texas music intern and ...
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MUST WATCH: White Woman Calls Out City For Racist Policing
Texas Woman Notes Her Own White Privilege, Slams Police For Racism ... Miller noted that in her white neighborhood she got a visit from the police ...
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