Alerta do Google - Texas Police

Texas Police
Atualização assim que ocorre 12 de agosto de 2019
Texarkana, Texas, Police Department
Texarkana, Texas, Police Department. Texarkana Gazette - 2019-08-12 - METRO/STATE -. 10:20 a.m., Saturday, assault, 1000 Pine Street. 12:36 p.m. ...
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Missing 4-Year-Old Girl Reunites With Dad After Mom Gave Her Away To Human Traffickers
On Friday, Police found the 4-year-old safe in a Texas home that they believed was a human trafficking ring. She appeared to be unharmed.
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Richardson police department salary
We are a "Recognized Agency" in the Texas Police Chiefs Association's Best Practices Program, which means our policies and ...
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Greenlight Hot Pursuit 1977 Pontiac Lemans Denton Texas Police
GREENLIGHT 42880 B 1977 PONTIAC LEMANS ENFORCER POLICE ... Greenlight Hot Pursuit Pontiac LeMans Denton Texas Police Free USA Ship.
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