Alerta do Google - Texas Weather

Texas Weather
Atualização assim que ocorre 8 de fevereiro de 2019
Light wintry precipitation is possible across parts of north Texas and central Texas ... Modeled soundings suggest central Texas and southern parts of north ... Christopher Nunley is Meteorologist on Firsthand Weather, Lecturer in the ...
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Further increases should be slow as this is climatologically the driest time of year in southern Texas and especially the High Plains. The dry weather ...
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Cold Canadian air continues push into the area from the north behind our latest front. This along with biting northerly winds will usher in some ...
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Temperatures will be in the upper 30's throughout Central Texas and the I-35 corridor, ... Visit for the latest forecast information.
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Texas Winter 2018-2019
Ralph's Weather wrote: Some Euro members have 6+" spots though many are just light. Some keep this further south and temps vary. Very interesting ...
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Denton County, Director And North Texas discussed on KRLD News, Weather and Traffic
Aired on NewsRadio 1080 KRLD: We start with breaking news out of Denton county where the health department is confirming one person has the ...
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