Alerta do Google - Texas Weather

Texas Weather
Atualização assim que ocorre 8 de setembro de 2018
If you're headed out to the University of Texas' first home football game of the ... The weather service said the heaviest rain will move out of the area by ...
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The relatively mild smog levels this past summer can be attributed to factors including weather and lowered emissions from local smokestacks.
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16 TCU has started after a weather delay of nearly two hours. ... The Mustangs lost this year's opener 46-23 to North Texas, another Dallas-area ...
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While the weather connection to Gordon is breaking down, scattered ... from the Ohio Valley to east Texas with very little eastward progression on its ...
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Bodman, 79, of El Paso, Texas, was trained as a chemical engineer. He was president of Fidelity Investments before becoming CEO of Cabot Corp., ...
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Friday afternoon, a vehicle crashed against an electricity pole causing the transformer to hit a power line. No reports of injuries have been made at this ...
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