Alerta do Google - Texas Weather

Texas Weather
Atualização assim que ocorre 8 de maio de 2018
Fabulous Weather, Grand Texas, Dog Sprint Bike Ride
What more could I ask for? What a fantastic day to ride 48.69 miles (longest bike ride so far in May) on the "SR242 – FM1314" route. A bunch of things lined up: a rest day for the Giro d'Italia so no need to wait for the stage to finish, fabulous weather, 10:56 am start. The weather during the bike ride: start ...
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07 | May | 2018
A trough, or line of surface low pressure, extends southward from a surface low over southeastern Colorado and northeastern New Mexico into far west Texas and southern New Mexico and northern Mexico. As a result of this surface weather pattern, our surface winds over south central Texas are light ...
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