Alerta do Google - Texas Police

Texas Police
Atualização assim que ocorre 8 de maio de 2018
Once 26-year-old Rondarius Smith finally woke up on March 20, officers told him the news: His 3-year-old daughter, Arianna, had sneaked out of the family's room at a Motel 6 in Lufkin, Texas, and was found 10 minutes later at the bottom of the motel's pool, police said. The toddler was rushed to Texas ...
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ROCKWALL -- Police in Rockwall believe a man shot and killed his wife before setting a fire in their home and turning the gun on himself. Fire crews were called to the couple's home in the 1200 block of White Water Drive early Monday morning where flames were coming from the house. They found two ...
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SORRENTO — Two fatal crashes happening with two hours of each other Sunday night in Ascension Parish killed a Gramercy man and two children from Houston, Texas, and injured several others, Louisiana State Police said. Troopers arrested Stephen Daigle, 47, of Gonzales, a driver in the crash in ...
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