Alerta do Google - Texas Police

Texas Police
Atualização assim que ocorre 1 de maio de 2018
A Smithville man has been charged with murder after he confessed to police he attacked his ex-wife at her apartment in the 100 block of Ken Blaschke Drive on Sunday, according to the police department. Police were dispatched to the Smithville Housing Authority about 5:37 p.m. Sunday after receiving ...
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Viral Facebook post shows Texas police officer posing with dog after responding to call of
One Texas police department took to Facebook on Sunday, where it described an officer's encounter with a dog. (Texarkana Texas Police Department) Guess he wasn't so ruff in person. A Texas police department took to Facebook on Sunday, when it described an officer's encounter with a male.
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Central Texas community honors fallen officer
Round Rock police officer Charles Whites died from injuries received during a hit and run.
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