Alerta do Google - Texas Police

Texas Police
Atualização assim que ocorre 1 de maio de 2018
GRANBURY, Texas (AP) — Police say two high school students have died in an apparent drowning in a North Texas reservoir. Hood County Sheriff Roger Deeds says that 18-year-old Oscar Rios and 17-year-old Julio Espinosa-Guerrero died Monday while swimming with a group at Wheeler Branch ...
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The gruesome discoveries were made 150 miles apart, but investigators in Texas and Louisiana believe that the severed heads of two women found over the past two months may be linked. The Houston Police Department reported that marine patrol officers were flagged down the morning of March 24 ...
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Round Rock police were alerted at 2:02 a.m. April 18 about the girl, who was at Dell Children's Medical Center of Central Texas in Austin, the affidavit said. It said the girl's grandmother told police at the hospital that the girl's mother had dropped off the child for a relative to babysit on April 17. The relative ...
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A candlelight vigil Thursday night was attended by about 30 members of Santander's family as well as Dallas Mayor Mike Rawlings and Dallas Chief of Police U. Renee Hall. It was followed by a public visitation in downtown Dallas Monday night where friends, fellow officers and other North Texans paid ...
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