Alerta do Google - Texas Police

Texas Police
Atualização assim que ocorre 1 de maio de 2018
The near-crash took place in Austin, Texas on April 16 and it was uploaded to YouTube the following day. The high-quality video was caught by a front and rear-facing dash cam installed on the WRX, and it's quickly racked up a few thousand views along with the requests of many local television ...
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SAN ANTONIO (AP) — San Antonio police say a woman has been jailed for slashing her husband with a kitchen knife after catching him looking at other women during a night out together. Authorities say 27-year-old Star Perez was with her husband celebrating a city festival called Fiesta on Saturday ...
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2:40 p.m. A vehicle crash in the 1700 block of Hanover Street sent a driver to Gettysburg Hospital for treatment, police said. ... 12:22 p.m. Police attempted to reach a resident under investigation by the Texas State Police but learned the resident never lived at the property in the 100 block of Poplar Road.
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Our Team
The Center for Child Protection serves as the community representative on Travis County Child Protection Team, a group of agencies dedicated to reducing the trauma for children during the investigation and prosecution of crimes against children. The following agencies collaborate with the Center for ...
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