Alerta do Google - Texas Police

Texas Police
Atualização assim que ocorre 8 de maio de 2018
Off-duty Texas airport police officer shoots self in leg ... DALLAS (AP) — Authorities say a Dallas-Fort Worth International Airport police officer who was off-duty accidentally shot himself in the leg while ... Fort Worth police say they were called to a home early Sunday morning regarding the incident.
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Police are turning away students at Houston Community College's Holman Street campus Monday due to a shooting threat posted on social media. "I parked in the parking lot across the courtyard of the science building, and the sheriffs that were in the highway patrol trucks pulled up and told me it was ...
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28, police received information that the suspect and his vehicle had been spotted at a Wells Fargo Bank in Pearland, and at a Texas Capital Bank in San Antonio. On April 9th, the vehicle was also reportedly seen in Austin at two separate Capital Credit Union branches said police. Police describe the ...
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BURLINGTON, Vt. — An unarmed robbery suspect shot by Vermont police in Brattleboro sent text messages to his girlfriend saying his crime spree would not end well and detailing plans to line the door panels ... Mark Triolo, 46, of Lewisville, Texas was charged in federal court in Burlington with robbery.
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