Alerta do Google - Texas Police

Texas Police
Atualização assim que ocorre 27 de fevereiro de 2018
Police responded to the area around 12:40 p.m. While guests did not evacuate the hotel, they were told to avoid doors and windows. According to students who go to Austin Community College's Rio Grande Campus, they received a text alert that said: "Report of a person with a gun on top of Doubletree ...
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CASTLE HILLS, Texas - Castle Hills police have arrested a man they believe burglarized a local bicycle shop - with some help from an overnight news photographer. "This is where I sit at night, waiting for news to happen - Poppys Pizza," said freelance news photographer Ken Branca. It's unusual for ...
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COPPERAS COVE, Texas (KWTX) Copperas Cove police are warning local residents about a shipping scam that makes victims the middleman for criminals. Copperas Cove Detective Rick Counter said nine people in the city have been victims of the "re-shipping" scam in the last year. He said it starts ...
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Blagg was first transported to Palestine Regional Medical Center and then to East Texas Medical Center in Tyler for treatment. The Department of Public Safety and Texas Rangers were contacted and are directing the investigation. January, a six-year veteran of the department, was interviewed and has ...
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