Alerta do Google - Texas State

Texas State
Atualização assim que ocorre 17 de janeiro de 2018
Dale is vice chairman of the Juvenile Justice & Family Issues Committee and is a member of the Environmental Regulation Committee and Chairman of the Texas House Energy Caucus. He represents southwestern Williamson County, Cedar Park, Leander, Brushy Creek and parts of Austin and Round ...
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TxSGS 2018 Virtual Conference on February 9-10
Registration is open! Join the Texas State Genealogical Society on February 9-10 for the two-day 2018 Virtual Conference featuring nationally recognized.
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PLBG CE Houston NORTH 4/14/18
4/14/2018. When: Saturday, April 14, 2018 8:00am (7:30am check-in). Where: Map this event » Morrison Supply 6867 Wynnwood Lane Houston, Texas 77008. United States. Presenter: Todd Iocco. Contact: PHCC-TX 512-523-8094 ...
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