Alerta do Google - Texas Police

Texas Police
Atualização assim que ocorre 17 de janeiro de 2018
More than 80 million people are under winter storm warnings or advisories in states stretching from Texas to Maine, with snow -- or a wintry mix of snow, sleet and freezing ... Police had responded to 278 crashes as of Tuesday evening, 104 of which were major, said Houston Police Chief Art Acevedo.
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Odessa Police Charge Man with Fail to Stop & Render Aid
Odessa Police have made an arrest in connection to a major crash that occurred yesterday afternoon in Northwest Odessa. Craig Austin Ashmore, date of birth 12/19/1987, has been charged with Fail to Stop and Render Aid "3rd Degree Felony". On January 15, 2018 at approximately 1556 hours, ...
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