Alerta do Google - Texas Police

Texas Police
Atualização assim que ocorre 17 de janeiro de 2018
A sign warns motorists to drive carefully on the bridge over Pine Island Bayou on Texas 105 on Tuesday. Photo taken Tuesday 1/16/18 Ryan ..... Beaumont Police are responding to an eight-car crash on the westbound lanes of the Neches River Bridge, Officer Carol Riley said. BPD has closed Cardinal ...
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Kilgore police warn of dangerous driving conditions
KILGORE, Texas (KETK) - The Kilgore Police Department is warning residents of dangerous driving conditions in the city. Police say most main roadways/highways are dry with just a few small patches of ice. The main problems are secondary roads and bridges. The bridges have been sanded by ...
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University of North Texas Health Science Center Police Lieutenant in Fort Worth, Texas, United ...
Department Overview. Open only to internal candidates at University of North Texas Health Science Center. The University of North Texas Health Science Center Police Department is a full service law enforcement agency serving the University of North Texas Health Science Center Campus and it's ...
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