Alerta do Google - Texas Weather

Texas Weather
Atualização assim que ocorre 30 de outubro de 2017
Later, steady rain continued to soak the region as the National Weather ... in light of the recent spate of storms in Texas, Florida and the Caribbean.
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San Angelo, TX - -- From your KSAN Storm Team Meteorologist Scott Barry -- Coming up tomorrow on Monday, you can expect another day filled with ...
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Deaths of elderly residents at Texas and Florida nursing homes after recent hurricanes have heightened scrutiny of the evacuation procedures. 8.
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The Texas Department of Public Safety is investigating a Sunday morning wreck that left a Wood County teenager dead.
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AMARILLO, TX (KFDA) -. For Luke Herm, the ability to communicate freely is still fairly new, but with help from alternative and augmentative ...
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Ballooner Alfred Nichols was piloting his craft in purportedly unsafe weather conditions, some miles away from Lockhart, TX. When the balloon's ...
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Texas has a "declaration of causes which impel the State of Texas to ... are also pet owners to bring their pets inside because of recent cold weather.
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