Alerta do Google - Texas Police

Texas Police
Atualização assim que ocorre 3 de agosto de 2017
After the crash, police asked firefighters to check the cruiser for a possible ... In Austin, Texas, police removed all of the Ford Explorers from their fleet ...
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Incredible video out of Tarrant County shows a Texas police officer hit by a drunk driver while on a routine traffic stop. The officer's dash cam shows ...
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Three overnight robberies and one attempt involving three armed men appear to be connected, Texarkana, Texas, police said. Officers were ...
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If you have information, you can contact Beaumont Police Department at 409-832-1234 or call Southeast Texas Crime Stoppers at 409-833-TIPS.
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AUSTIN - A man found dead near the Colorado River was connected to an aggravated kidnapping incident near the Allandale Shopping Center ...
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1, could cause Texas to lose around $223 million in state and local taxes and up to $13.8 billion in gross domestic product. SB4 forces police to ...
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"When we saw them tumble out onto the station, DART police were notified immediately," said Mark Ball, spokesman for DART. "Within 10 minutes, we ...
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Drunk Driver Slams Car Into Texas Police Officer During Traffic Stop
Drunk Driver Slams Car Into Texas Police Officer During Traffic Stop. Aug 2, 2017 Updated 2 min ago. Just Watched. replay. Content ...
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