Alerta do Google - Texas Police

Texas Police
Atualização assim que ocorre 28 de agosto de 2017
Firefighters and police officers from multiple Oklahoma agencies are on their way to Texas to help those affected by Tropical Storm Harvey. Firefighters ...
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The Abilene Police Department is the latest Big Country organization to send assitance down to the Texas coast to aid Hurricane Harvey victims.
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Victoria police investigate a shooting near the Crestwood apartment ... Victoria police responded about 10 a.m. Monday to a shooting near Halsey ...
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Texas' governor is activating the entire Texas National Guard for search and ... Houston police Chief Art Acevedo says authorities have rescued 2,000 ...
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The unprecedented amount of rain in Texas, "beyond anything experienced," ... Texas Police Officers Helping Herd Cattle To Higher Ground.
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Somewhere between 250 and 275 living units are in the affected area, which includes "a couple trailer parks and an RV park," La Grange Police ...
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