Alerta do Google - Texas State

Texas State
Atualização assim que ocorre 26 de julho de 2017
As the Trump Administration repeatedly signals its commitment to expelling immigrants from the nation's borders, a group of DREAMers from across ...
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Trevor Lawrence of Whitehouse will be joining the Bobcats of Texas State after he finishes up his senior year with the Wildcats, per a Twitter post he ...
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A group of "Mamma Bears" and other allies at a rally at the Texas State Capitol in Austin, Texas, on March 6, 2017. Front row (L-R): Maria Clinkscales, ...
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Harris County accounts for 17 percent of the confirmed and suspected gang members in Texas prisons. Other gangs in the Houston area include ...
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Residents can learn about the history of the North Texas State Fair and Rodeo at a lecture next week at the Denton County Courthouse-on-the-Square ...
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