Alerta do Google - Texas State

Texas State
Atualização assim que ocorre 27 de julho de 2017
Rackspace Hosting CEO Joe Eazor slammed the proposed bathroom bill as discriminatory and potentially "crippling" to the state's business-friendly ...
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Colton Snedecor of the Fredericksburg FFA Chapter was selected as one of 10 state officers to serve the Texas FFA Association for the 2017-2018 ...
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The deal must get approval from State National's shareholders and state insurance regulators, although two large blocks of shareholders are in favor ...
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Protesters were arrested near the state Capitol on Wednesday in a ... march from a federal detention facility to the Texas Governor's Mansion on Nov.
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( - Texas, the nation's second most populous state, had the fastest growing economy in the nation in the first quarter of this year with its ...
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Officials in Texas reported what they believe is a case of mosquito transmission of the virus within the state's border, the first within the continental ...
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U15B Solar Chelsea face final goal in National Championships
One of those goals was to win the 2017 North Texas Soccer State Cup, which was achieved in dominant fashion as Stricker's squad failed to concede ...
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