Alerta do Google - Texas Weather

Texas Weather
Atualização assim que ocorre 21 de julho de 2016
austin360 (blog)
Screen Shot 2016-07-19 at 6.53.55 PM It's been seven years since Texas Monthly compiled its first 50 Best Burgers in Texas list, and back then, ...
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A hot dry airmass has moved north into the central Great Plains, taking the hottest air north of south Texas. To the south is a flow of marginally moist air ...
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Tech Insider
Similar weather will hold across much of the Midwest, South, East Coast, Texas, and the Southwest. (Now's a great time to live in Seattle, people.) ...
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Isolated Storms Along the Coast Again Today
Texas Storm Chasers. Weather ... That may allow for some rain chances to return to parts of the state along with slightly less hot weather. Share78.
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